
Robbie Cheadle
Historical Fiction, Horror, Teen & Young Adult, Children's, Poetry
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- Member Since
May 2019
- Gender
- Country
South Africa
- Born
22 February
- Profession
Roberta Eaton Cheadle is a South African writer and poet specialising in historical, paranormal, and horror novels and short stories. She is an avid reader in these genres and her writing has been influenced by famous authors including Bram Stoker, Edgar Allan Poe, Amor Towles, Stephen Crane, Enrich Maria Remarque, George Orwell, Stephen King, and Colleen McCullough.
Roberta has two published novels:
* Through the Nethergate, a historical supernatural fantasy; and
* A Ghost and His Gold, a historical paranormal novel set in South Africa.
Roberta has eleven children’s books and two poetry books published under the name Robbie Cheadle.
Roberta Eaton Cheadle / Robbie Cheadle also has short stories and poems included in fourteen anthologies and is a contributor to the Ask the Authors 2022 (WordCrafter Writing Reference series).